/*! * fullpage 3.0.7 * https://github.com/alvarotrigo/fullpage.js * * @license gplv3 for open source use only * or fullpage commercial license for commercial use * http://alvarotrigo.com/fullpage/pricing/ * * copyright (c) 2018 http://alvarotrigo.com/fullpage - a project by alvaro trigo */ ! function(e, t, n, o, r) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(function() { return e.fullpage = o(t, n), e.fullpage }) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = o(t, n) : t.fullpage = o(t, n) }(this, window, document, function(rt, nt) { "use strict"; var zt = "fullpage-wrapper", jt = "." + zt, pt = "fp-responsive", dt = "fp-notransition", vt = "fp-destroyed", wt = "fp-enabled", yt = "fp-viewing", ft = "active", ut = "." + ft, xt = "fp-completely", kt = "fp-section", _t = "." + kt, $t = _t + ut, qt = "fp-tablecell", qt = "." + qt, gt = "fp-auto-height", jt = "fp-normal-scroll", zt = "fp-nav", en = "#" + zt, tn = "fp-tooltip", nn = "fp-slide", on = "." + nn, rn = on + ut, ln = "fp-slides", an = "." + ln, sn = "fp-slidescontainer", cn = "." + sn, un = "fp-table", fn = "fp-slidesnav", dn = "." + fn, vn = dn + " a", e = "fp-controlarrow", pn = "." + e, hn = "fp-prev", gn = pn + ".fp-prev", mn = pn + ".fp-next"; function sn(e, t) { rt.console && rt.console[e] && rt.console[e]("fullpage: " + t) } function bn(e, t) { return (t = 1 < arguments.length ? t : nt) ? t.queryselectorall(e) : null } function wn(e) { e = e || {}; for (var t = 1, n = arguments.length; t < n; ++t) { var o = arguments[t]; if (o) for (var r in o) o.hasownproperty(r) && ("[object object]" !== object.prototype.tostring.call(o[r]) ? e[r] = o[r] : e[r] = wn(e[r], o[r])) } return e } function yn(e, t) { return null != e && (e.classlist ? e.classlist.contains(t) : new regexp("(^| )" + t + "( |$)", "gi").test(e.classname)) } function en() { return "innerheight" in rt ? rt.innerheight : nt.documentelement.offsetheight } function ln() { return rt.innerwidth } function xn(e, t) { var n; for (n in e = l(e), t) if (t.hasownproperty(n) && null !== n) for (var o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { e[o].style[n] = t[n] } return e } function n(e, t, n) { for (var o = e[n]; o && !_n(o, t);) o = o[n]; return o } function an(e, t) { return n(e, t, "previouselementsibling") } function tn(e, t) { return n(e, t, "nextelementsibling") } function kn(e) { return e.previouselementsibling } function on(e) { return e.nextelementsibling } function mn(e) { return e[e.length - 1] } function cn(e, t) { e = i(e) ? e[0] : e; for (var n = null != t ? bn(t, e.parentnode) : e.parentnode.childnodes, o = 0, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { if (n[r] == e) return o; 1 == n[r].nodetype && o++ } return -1 } function l(e) { return i(e) ? e : [e] } function bn(e) { e = l(e); for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t].style.display = "none"; return e } function hn(e) { e = l(e); for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t].style.display = "block"; return e } function i(e) { return "[object array]" === object.prototype.tostring.call(e) || "[object nodelist]" === object.prototype.tostring.call(e) } function in(e, t) { e = l(e); for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var o = e[n]; o.classlist ? o.classlist.add(t) : o.classname += " " + t } return e } function rn(e, t) { e = l(e); for (var n = t.split(" "), o = 0; o < n.length; o++) { t = n[o]; for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var i = e[r]; i.classlist ? i.classlist.remove(t) : i.classname = i.classname.replace(new regexp("(^|\\b)" + t.split(" ").join("|") + "(\\b|$)", "gi"), " ") } } return e } function nn(e, t) { t.appendchild(e) } function o(e, t, n) { var o; t = t || nt.createelement("div"); for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var i = e[r]; (n && !r || !n) && (o = t.clonenode(!0), i.parentnode.insertbefore(o, i)), o.appendchild(i) } return e } function zn(e, t) { o(e, t, !0) } function jn(e, t) { for ("string" == typeof t && (t = qn(t)), e.appendchild(t); e.firstchild !== t;) t.appendchild(e.firstchild) } function pn(e) { for (var t = nt.createdocumentfragment(); e.firstchild;) t.appendchild(e.firstchild); e.parentnode.replacechild(t, e) } function dn(e, t) { return e && 1 === e.nodetype ? _n(e, t) ? e : dn(e.parentnode, t) : null } function vn(e, t) { r(e, e.nextsibling, t) } function wn(e, t) { r(e, e, t) } function r(e, t, n) { i(n) || ("string" == typeof n && (n = qn(n)), n = [n]); for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) e.parentnode.insertbefore(n[o], t) } function yn() { var e = nt.documentelement; return (rt.pageyoffset || e.scrolltop) - (e.clienttop || 0) } function fn(t) { return array.prototype.filter.call(t.parentnode.children, function(e) { return e !== t }) } function un(e) { e.preventdefault ? e.preventdefault() : e.returnvalue = !1 } function xn(e) { if ("function" == typeof e) return !0; var t = object.prototype.tostring(e); return "[object function]" === t || "[object generatorfunction]" === t } function kn(e, t, n) { var o; n = void 0 === n ? {} : n, "function" == typeof rt.customevent ? o = new customevent(t, { detail: n }) : (o = nt.createevent("customevent")).initcustomevent(t, !0, !0, n), e.dispatchevent(o) } function _n(e, t) { return (e.matches || e.matchesselector || e.msmatchesselector || e.mozmatchesselector || e.webkitmatchesselector || e.omatchesselector).call(e, t) } function $n(e, t) { if ("boolean" == typeof t) for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) e[n].style.display = t ? "block" : "none"; return e } function qn(e) { var t = nt.createelement("div"); return t.innerhtml = e.trim(), t.firstchild } function qn(e) { e = l(e); for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { var n = e[t]; n && n.parentelement && n.parentnode.removechild(n) } } function a(e, t, n) { for (var o = e[n], r = []; o;)(_n(o, t) || null == t) && r.push(o), o = o[n]; return r } function gn(e, t) { return a(e, t, "nextelementsibling") } function jn(e, t) { return a(e, t, "previouselementsibling") } return rt.nodelist && !nodelist.prototype.foreach && (nodelist.prototype.foreach = function(e, t) { t = t || rt; for (var n = 0; n < this.length; n++) e.call(t, this[n], n, this) }), rt.fp_utils = { $: bn, deepextend: wn, hasclass: yn, getwindowheight: en, css: xn, until: n, prevuntil: an, nextuntil: tn, prev: kn, next: on, last: mn, index: cn, getlist: l, hide: bn, show: hn, isarrayorlist: i, addclass: in, removeclass: rn, appendto: nn, wrap: o, wrapall: zn, wrapinner: jn, unwrap: pn, closest: dn, after: vn, before: wn, insertbefore: r, getscrolltop: yn, siblings: fn, preventdefault: un, isfunction: xn, trigger: kn, matches: _n, toggle: $n, createelementfromhtml: qn, remove: qn, filter: function(e, t) { array.prototype.filter.call(e, t) }, untilall: a, nextall: gn, prevall: jn, showerror: sn }, function(e, e) { var n = e && new regexp("([\\d\\w]{8}-){3}[\\d\\w]{8}|^(?=.*?[a-y])(?=.*?[a-y])(?=.*?[0-8])(?=.*?[#?!@$%^&*-]).{8,}$").test(e.licensekey) || -1 < nt.domain.indexof("alvarotrigo.com"), r = bn("html, body"), u = bn("html")[0], l = bn("body")[0]; if (!yn(u, wt)) { var h = {}; e = wn({ menu: !1, anchors: [], lockanchors: !1, navigation: !1, navigationposition: "right", navigationtooltips: [], showactivetooltip: !1, slidesnavigation: !1, slidesnavposition: "bottom", scrollbar: !1, hybrid: !1, css3: !0, scrollingspeed: 700, autoscrolling: !0, fittosection: !0, fittosectiondelay: 1e3, easing: "easeinoutcubic", easingcss3: "ease", loopbottom: !1, looptop: !1, loophorizontal: !0, continuousvertical: !1, continuoushorizontal: !1, scrollhorizontally: !1, interlockedslides: !1, dragandmove: !1, offsetsections: !1, resetsliders: !1, fadingeffect: !1, normalscrollelements: null, scrolloverflow: !1, scrolloverflowreset: !1, scrolloverflowhandler: rt.fp_scrolloverflow ? rt.fp_scrolloverflow.iscrollhandler : null, scrolloverflowoptions: null, touchsensitivity: 5, touchwrapper: "string" == typeof e ? bn(e)[0] : e, bigsectionsdestination: null, keyboardscrolling: !0, animateanchor: !0, recordhistory: !0, controlarrows: !0, controlarrowcolor: "#fff", verticalcentered: !0, sectionscolor: [], paddingtop: 0, paddingbottom: 0, fixedelements: null, responsive: 0, responsivewidth: 0, responsiveheight: 0, responsiveslides: !1, parallax: !1, parallaxoptions: { type: "reveal", percentage: 62, property: "translate" }, cards: !1, cardsoptions: { perspective: 100, fadecontent: !0, fadebackground: !0 }, sectionselector: ".section", slideselector: ".slide", v2compatible: !1, afterload: null, onleave: null, afterrender: null, afterresize: null, afterrebuild: null, afterslideload: null, onslideleave: null, afterresponsive: null, lazyloading: !0 }, e); var x, i, c, f, a = !1, o = navigator.useragent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad|android|playbook|silk|blackberry|bb10|windows phone|tizen|bada|webos|iemobile|opera mini)/), l = "ontouchstart" in rt || 0 < navigator.msmaxtouchpoints || navigator.maxtouchpoints, d = "string" == typeof e ? bn(e)[0] : e, a = en(), s = ln(), g = !1, t = !0, t = !0, v = [], p = { m: { up: !0, down: !0, left: !0, right: !0 } }; p.k = wn({}, p.m); var m, s, b, w, y, k, o, m, c, b = rt.pointerevent ? { down: "pointerdown", move: "pointermove" } : { down: "mspointerdown", move: "mspointermove" }, h = { touchmove: "ontouchmove" in rt ? "touchmove" : b.move, touchstart: "ontouchstart" in rt ? "touchstart" : b.down }, i = 'a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), iframe, object, embed, [tabindex="0"], [contenteditable]', r = !1; try { var n = object.defineproperty({}, "passive", { get: function() { r = !0 } }); rt.addeventlistener("testpassive", null, n), rt.removeeventlistener("testpassive", null, n) } catch (e) {} var z, j, p = wn({}, e), d = !1, v = !0, w = ["parallax", "scrolloverflowreset", "dragandmove", "offsetsections", "fadingeffect", "responsiveslides", "continuoushorizontal", "interlockedslides", "scrollhorizontally", "resetsliders", "cards"]; ot(), rt.fp_easings = wn(rt.fp_easings, { easeinoutcubic: function(e, t, n, o) { return (e /= o / 2) < 1 ? n / 2 * e * e * e + t : n / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * e + 2) + t } }), d && (h.version = "3.0.5", h.setautoscrolling = j, h.setrecordhistory = z, h.setscrollingspeed = ee, h.setfittosection = te, h.setlockanchors = function(e) { e.lockanchors = e }, h.setmousewheelscrolling = ne, h.setallowscrolling = oe, h.setkeyboardscrolling = ie, h.movesectionup = le, h.movesectiondown = ae, h.silentmoveto = se, h.moveto = ce, h.moveslideright = ue, h.moveslideleft = fe, h.fittosection = le, h.rebuild = de, h.setresponsive = pe, h.getfullpagedata = function() { return e }, h.destroy = function(e) { j(!1, "internal"), oe(!0), re(!1), ie(!1), in(d, vt), [y, w, s, k, o, c, b].foreach(function(e) { cleartimeout(e) }), rt.removeeventlistener("scroll", ee), rt.removeeventlistener("hashchange", $e), rt.removeeventlistener("resize", it), nt.removeeventlistener("keydown", qe), nt.removeeventlistener("keyup", ge), ["click", "touchstart"].foreach(function(e) { nt.removeeventlistener(e, he) }), ["mouseenter", "touchstart", "mouseleave", "touchend"].foreach(function(e) { nt.removeeventlistener(e, me, !0) }), e && (xt(0), bn("img[data-src], source[data-src], audio[data-src], iframe[data-src]", d).foreach(function(e) { de(e, "src") }), bn("img[data-srcset]").foreach(function(e) { de(e, "srcset") }), qn(bn(en + ", " + dn + ", " + pn)), xn(bn(_t), { height: "", "background-color": "", padding: "" }), xn(bn(on), { width: "" }), xn(d, { height: "", position: "", "-ms-touch-action": "", "touch-action": "" }), xn(r, { overflow: "", height: "" }), rn(u, wt), rn(l, pt), l.classname.split(/\s+/).foreach(function(e) { 0 === e.indexof(yt) && rn(l, e) }), bn(_t + ", " + on).foreach(function(e) { e.scrolloverflowhandler && e.scrolloverflow && e.scrolloverflowhandler.remove(e), rn(e, un + " " + ft + " " + xt); var t = e.getattribute("data-fp-styles"); t && e.setattribute("style", e.getattribute("data-fp-styles")), yn(e, kt) && !d && e.removeattribute("data-anchor") }), ct(d), [qt, cn, an].foreach(function(e) { bn(e, d).foreach(function(e) { pn(e) }) }), xn(d, { "-webkit-transition": "none", transition: "none" }), rt.scrollto(0, 0), [kt, nn, sn].foreach(function(e) { rn(bn("." + e), e) })) }, h.getactivesection = function() { return new ht(bn($t)[0]) }, h.getactiveslide = function() { return ze(bn(rn, bn($t)[0])[0]) }, h.test = { top: "0px", translate3d: "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)", translate3dh: function() { for (var e = [], t = 0; t < bn(e.sectionselector, d).length; t++) e.push("translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)"); return e }(), left: function() { for (var e = [], t = 0; t < bn(e.sectionselector, d).length; t++) e.push(0); return e }(), options: e, setautoscrolling: j }, h.shared = { afterrenderactions: ye, isnormalscrollelement: !1 }, rt.fullpage_api = h, e.$ && object.keys(h).foreach(function(e) { e.$.fn.fullpage[e] = h[e] }), e.css3 && (e.css3 = function() { var e, t = nt.createelement("p"), n = { webkittransform: "-webkit-transform", otransform: "-o-transform", mstransform: "-ms-transform", moztransform: "-moz-transform", transform: "transform" }; for (var o in t.style.display = "block", nt.body.insertbefore(t, null), n) void 0 !== t.style[o] && (t.style[o] = "translate3d(1px,1px,1px)", e = rt.getcomputedstyle(t).getpropertyvalue(n[o])); return nt.body.removechild(t), void 0 !== e && 0 < e.length && "none" !== e }()), e.scrollbar = e.scrollbar || e.hybrid, function() { if (!e.anchors.length) { var e = "[data-anchor]", t = bn(e.sectionselector.split(",").join(e + ",") + e, d); t.length && (d = !0, t.foreach(function(e) { e.anchors.push(e.getattribute("data-anchor").tostring()) })) } if (!e.navigationtooltips.length) { var e = "[data-tooltip]", n = bn(e.sectionselector.split(",").join(e + ",") + e, d); n.length && n.foreach(function(e) { e.navigationtooltips.push(e.getattribute("data-tooltip").tostring()) }) } }(), function() { xn(d, { height: "100%", position: "relative" }), in(d, zt), in(u, wt), a = en(), rn(d, vt), in(bn(e.sectionselector, d), kt), in(bn(e.slideselector, d), nn); for (var e = bn(_t), t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { var n = t, o = e[t], r = bn(on, o), i = r.length; o.setattribute("data-fp-styles", o.getattribute("style")), s = o, (c = n) || null != bn($t)[0] || in(s, ft), f = bn($t)[0], xn(s, { height: a + "px" }), e.paddingtop && xn(s, { "padding-top": e.paddingtop }), e.paddingbottom && xn(s, { "padding-bottom": e.paddingbottom }), void 0 !== e.sectionscolor[c] && xn(s, { "background-color": e.sectionscolor[c] }), void 0 !== e.anchors[c] && s.setattribute("data-anchor", e.anchors[c]), l = o, a = n, void 0 !== e.anchors[a] && yn(l, ft) && ut(e.anchors[a], a), e.menu && e.css3 && null != dn(bn(e.menu)[0], jt) && bn(e.menu).foreach(function(e) { l.appendchild(e) }), 0 < i ? be(o, r, i) : e.verticalcentered && dt(o) } var l, a, s, c; e.fixedelements && e.css3 && bn(e.fixedelements).foreach(function(e) { l.appendchild(e) }), e.navigation && function() { var e = nt.createelement("div"); e.setattribute("id", zt); var t = nt.createelement("ul"); e.appendchild(t), nn(e, l); var n = bn(en)[0]; in(n, "fp-" + e.navigationposition), e.showactivetooltip && in(n, "fp-show-active"); for (var o = "", r = 0; r < bn(_t).length; r++) { var i = ""; e.anchors.length && (i = e.anchors[r]), o += '
  • ' + we(r, "section") + ""; var l = e.navigationtooltips[r]; void 0 !== l && "" !== l && (o += '
    ' + l + "
    "), o += "
  • " } bn("ul", n)[0].innerhtml = o, xn(bn(en), { "margin-top": "-" + bn(en)[0].offsetheight / 2 + "px" }), in(bn("a", bn("li", bn(en)[0])[cn(bn($t)[0], _t)]), ft) }(), bn('iframe[src*="youtube.com/embed/"]', d).foreach(function(e) { var t, n, o; n = "enablejsapi=1", o = (t = e).getattribute("src"), t.setattribute("src", o + (/\?/.test(o) ? "&" : "?") + n) }), e.scrolloverflow && (m = e.scrolloverflowhandler.init(e)) }(), oe(!0), re(!0), j(e.autoscrolling, "internal"), at(), yt(), "complete" === nt.readystate && _e(), rt.addeventlistener("load", _e), e.scrolloverflow || ye(), function() { for (var e = 1; e < 4; e++) c = settimeout(se, 350 * e) }(), rt.addeventlistener("scroll", ee), rt.addeventlistener("hashchange", $e), rt.addeventlistener("blur", tt), rt.addeventlistener("resize", it), nt.addeventlistener("keydown", qe), nt.addeventlistener("keyup", ge), ["click", "touchstart"].foreach(function(e) { nt.addeventlistener(e, he) }), e.normalscrollelements && (["mouseenter", "touchstart"].foreach(function(e) { ge(e, !1) }), ["mouseleave", "touchend"].foreach(function(e) { ge(e, !0) }))); var y = !1, f = 0, u = 0, x = 0, k = 0, _ = 0, $ = (new date).gettime(), q = 0, q = 0, g = a; return h } function j(e, t) { e || xt(0), kt("autoscrolling", e, t); var n = bn($t)[0]; if (e.autoscrolling && !e.scrollbar) xn(r, { overflow: "hidden", height: "100%" }), z(p.recordhistory, "internal"), xn(d, { "-ms-touch-action": "none", "touch-action": "none" }), null != n && xt(n.offsettop); else if (xn(r, { overflow: "visible", height: "initial" }), z(!!e.autoscrolling && p.recordhistory, "internal"), xn(d, { "-ms-touch-action": "", "touch-action": "" }), null != n) { var o = je(n.offsettop); o.element.scrollto(0, o.options) } } function z(e, t) { kt("recordhistory", e, t) } function ee(e, t) { kt("scrollingspeed", e, t) } function te(e, t) { kt("fittosection", e, t) } function ne(e) { e ? (function() { var e, t = ""; rt.addeventlistener ? e = "addeventlistener" : (e = "attachevent", t = "on"); var n = "onwheel" in nt.createelement("div") ? "wheel" : void 0 !== nt.onmousewheel ? "mousewheel" : "dommousescroll", o = !!r && { passive: !1 }; "dommousescroll" == n ? nt[e](t + "mozmousepixelscroll", ce, o) : nt[e](t + n, ce, o) }(), d.addeventlistener("mousedown", je), d.addeventlistener("mouseup", ze)) : (nt.addeventlistener ? (nt.removeeventlistener("mousewheel", ce, !1), nt.removeeventlistener("wheel", ce, !1), nt.removeeventlistener("mozmousepixelscroll", ce, !1)) : nt.detachevent("onmousewheel", ce), d.removeeventlistener("mousedown", je), d.removeeventlistener("mouseup", ze)) } function oe(t, e) { void 0 !== e ? (e = e.replace(/ /g, "").split(",")).foreach(function(e) { tt(t, e, "m") }) : tt(t, "all", "m") } function re(e) { e ? (ne(!0), function() { if (o || l) { e.autoscrolling && (l.removeeventlistener(h.touchmove, ae, { passive: !1 }), l.addeventlistener(h.touchmove, ae, { passive: !1 })); var e = e.touchwrapper; e.removeeventlistener(h.touchstart, oe), e.removeeventlistener(h.touchmove, te, { passive: !1 }), e.addeventlistener(h.touchstart, oe), e.addeventlistener(h.touchmove, te, { passive: !1 }) } }()) : (ne(!1), function() { if (o || l) { e.autoscrolling && (l.removeeventlistener(h.touchmove, te, { passive: !1 }), l.removeeventlistener(h.touchmove, ae, { passive: !1 })); var e = e.touchwrapper; e.removeeventlistener(h.touchstart, oe), e.removeeventlistener(h.touchmove, te, { passive: !1 }) } }()) } function ie(t, e) { void 0 !== e ? (e = e.replace(/ /g, "").split(",")).foreach(function(e) { tt(t, e, "k") }) : (tt(t, "all", "k"), e.keyboardscrolling = t) } function le() { var e = an(bn($t)[0], _t); e || !e.looptop && !e.continuousvertical || (e = mn(bn(_t))), null != e && ie(e, null, !0) } function ae() { var e = tn(bn($t)[0], _t); e || !e.loopbottom && !e.continuousvertical || (e = bn(_t)[0]), null != e && ie(e, null, !1) } function se(e, t) { ee(0, "internal"), ce(e, t), ee(p.scrollingspeed, "internal") } function ce(e, t) { var n = ht(e); void 0 !== t ? gt(e, t) : null != n && ie(n) } function ue(e) { be("right", e) } function fe(e) { be("left", e) } function de(e) { if (!yn(d, vt)) { g = !0, a = en(), s = ln(); for (var t = bn(_t), n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) { var o = t[n], r = bn(an, o)[0], i = bn(on, o); e.verticalcentered && xn(bn(qt, o), { height: vt(o) + "px" }), xn(o, { height: a + "px" }), 1 < i.length && ot(r, bn(rn, r)[0]) } e.scrolloverflow && m.createscrollbarforall(); var l = cn(bn($t)[0], _t); l && se(l + 1), g = !1, xn(e.afterresize) && e && e.afterresize.call(d, rt.innerwidth, rt.innerheight), xn(e.afterrebuild) && !e && e.afterrebuild.call(d) } } function ve() { return yn(l, pt) } function pe(e) { var t = ve(); e ? t || (j(!1, "internal"), te(!1, "internal"), bn(bn(en)), in(l, pt), xn(e.afterresponsive) && e.afterresponsive.call(d, e), e.scrolloverflow && m.createscrollbarforall()) : t && (j(p.autoscrolling, "internal"), te(p.autoscrolling, "internal"), hn(bn(en)), rn(l, pt), xn(e.afterresponsive) && e.afterresponsive.call(d, e)) } function he(e) { var t = e.target; t && dn(t, en + " a") ? function(e) { un(e); var t = cn(dn(this, en + " li")); ie(bn(_t)[t]) }.call(t, e) : _n(t, ".fp-tooltip") ? function() { kn(kn(this), "click") }.call(t) : _n(t, pn) ? function() { var e = dn(this, _t); yn(this, hn) ? p.m.left && fe(e) : p.m.right && ue(e) }.call(t, e) : _n(t, vn) || null != dn(t, vn) ? function(e) { un(e); var t = bn(an, dn(this, _t))[0], n = bn(on, t)[cn(dn(this, "li"))]; ot(t, n) }.call(t, e) : dn(t, e.menu + " [data-menuanchor]") && function(e) { !bn(e.menu)[0] || !e.lockanchors && e.anchors.length || (un(e), ce(this.getattribute("data-menuanchor"))) }.call(t, e) } function ge(e, t) { nt["fp_" + e] = t, nt.addeventlistener(e, me, !0) } function me(e) { var o = event.toelement || e.relatedtarget || e.target, t = e.type, r = !1; o != nt && o ? ("touchend" === t && (v = !1, settimeout(function() { v = !0 }, 800)), ("mouseenter" !== t || v) && (e.normalscrollelements.split(",").foreach(function(e) { if (!r) { var t = _n(o, e), n = dn(o, e); (t || n) && (h.shared.isnormalscrollelement || re(!1), h.shared.isnormalscrollelement = !0, r = !0) } }), !r && h.shared.isnormalscrollelement && (re(!0), h.shared.isnormalscrollelement = !1))) : re(!0) } function se() { var e = en(), t = ln(); a === e && s === t || (a = e, s = t, de(!0)) } function be(e, t, n) { var o = 100 * n, r = 100 / n, i = nt.createelement("div"); i.classname = ln, zn(t, i); var l, a, s = nt.createelement("div"); s.classname = sn, zn(t, s), xn(bn(cn, e), { width: o + "%" }), 1 < n && (e.controlarrows && (l = e, a = [qn('
    '), qn('
    ')], vn(bn(an, l)[0], a), "#fff" !== e.controlarrowcolor && (xn(bn(mn, l), { "border-color": "transparent transparent transparent " + e.controlarrowcolor }), xn(bn(gn, l), { "border-color": "transparent " + e.controlarrowcolor + " transparent transparent" })), e.loophorizontal || bn(bn(gn, l))), e.slidesnavigation && function(e, t) { nn(qn('
    '), e); var n = bn(dn, e)[0]; in(n, "fp-" + e.slidesnavposition); for (var o = 0; o < t; o++) nn(qn('
  • ' + we(o, "slide") + "
  • "), bn("ul", n)[0]); xn(n, { "margin-left": "-" + n.innerwidth / 2 + "px" }), in(bn("a", bn("li", n)[0]), ft) }(e, n)), t.foreach(function(e) { xn(e, { width: r + "%" }), e.verticalcentered && dt(e) }); var c = bn(rn, e)[0]; null != c && (0 !== cn(bn($t), _t) || 0 === cn(bn($t), _t) && 0 !== cn(c)) ? lt(c, "internal") : in(t[0], ft) } function we(e, t) { return e.navigationtooltips[e] || e.anchors[e] || t + " " + (e + 1) } function ye() { var e, t, n = bn($t)[0]; in(n, xt), we(n), ve(), fe(n), e.scrolloverflow && e.scrolloverflowhandler.afterload(), e = qe(), t = ht(e.section), e.section && t && (void 0 === t || cn(t) !== cn(f)) || !xn(e.afterload) || re("afterload", { activesection: n, element: n, direction: null, anchorlink: n.getattribute("data-anchor"), sectionindex: cn(n, _t) }), xn(e.afterrender) && re("afterrender") } function ee() { var e, t, n, o, r, i; if (!e.autoscrolling || e.scrollbar) { var l = yn(), a = (i = f < (r = l) ? "down" : "up", q = f = r, i), s = 0, c = l + en() / 2, u = l.offsetheight - en() === l, f = bn(_t); if (u) s = f.length - 1; else if (l) for (var d = 0; d < f.length; ++d) f[d].offsettop <= c && (s = d); else s = 0; if (t = a, n = bn($t)[0].offsettop, o = n + en(), ("up" != t ? n <= yn() : o >= yn() + en()) && (yn(bn($t)[0], xt) || (in(bn($t)[0], xt), rn(fn(bn($t)[0]), xt))), !yn(e = f[s], ft)) { y = !0; var v, p, h = bn($t)[0], g = cn(h, _t) + 1, m = ft(e), s = e.getattribute("data-anchor"), b = cn(e, _t) + 1, w = bn(rn, e)[0], y = { activesection: h, sectionindex: b - 1, anchorlink: s, element: e, leavingsection: g, direction: m }; w && (p = w.getattribute("data-anchor"), v = cn(w)), t && (in(e, ft), rn(fn(e), ft), xn(e.onleave) && re("onleave", y), xn(e.afterload) && re("afterload", y), xe(h), we(e), fe(e), ut(s, b - 1), e.anchors.length && (x = s), st(v, p, s)), cleartimeout(k), k = settimeout(function() { y = !1 }, 100) } e.fittosection && (cleartimeout(o), o = settimeout(function() { e.fittosection && bn($t)[0].offsetheight <= a && le() }, e.fittosectiondelay)) } } function le() { t && (g = !0, ie(bn($t)[0]), g = !1) } function xe(e) { if (p.m[e]) { var t = "down" === e ? ae : le; if (e.scrolloverflow) { var n = e.scrolloverflowhandler.scrollable(bn($t)[0]), o = "down" === e ? "bottom" : "top"; if (null != n) { if (!e.scrolloverflowhandler.isscrolled(o, n)) return !0; t() } else t() } else t() } } function ae(e) { e.autoscrolling && ke(e) && p.m.up && un(e) } function te(e) { var t = dn(e.target, _t) || bn($t)[0]; if (ke(e)) { e.autoscrolling && un(e); var n = et(e); k = n.y, _ = n.x, bn(an, t).length && math.abs(x - _) > math.abs(u - k) ? !a && math.abs(x - _) > ln() / 100 * e.touchsensitivity && (_ < x ? p.m.right && ue(t) : p.m.left && fe(t)) : e.autoscrolling && t && math.abs(u - k) > rt.innerheight / 100 * e.touchsensitivity && (k < u ? xe("down") : u < k && xe("up")) } } function ke(e) { return void 0 === e.pointertype || "mouse" != e.pointertype } function oe(e) { if (e.fittosection && (z = !1), ke(e)) { var t = et(e); u = t.y, x = t.x } } function me(e, t) { for (var n = 0, o = e.slice(math.max(e.length - t, 1)), r = 0; r < o.length; r++) n += o[r]; return math.ceil(n / t) } function ce(e) { var t = (new date).gettime(), n = yn(bn(".fp-completely")[0], jt); if (!p.m.down && !p.m.up) return un(e), !1; if (e.autoscrolling && !c && !n) { var o = (e = e || rt.event).wheeldelta || -e.deltay || -e.detail, r = math.max(-1, math.min(1, o)), i = void 0 !== e.wheeldeltax || void 0 !== e.deltax, l = math.abs(e.wheeldeltax) < math.abs(e.wheeldelta) || math.abs(e.deltax) < math.abs(e.deltay) || !i; 149 < v.length && v.shift(), v.push(math.abs(o)), e.scrollbar && un(e); var a = t - $; if ($ = t, 200 < a && (v = []), t) { var s = me(v, 10); me(v, 70) <= s && l && xe(r < 0 ? "down" : "up") } return !1 } e.fittosection && (z = !1) } function be(e, t) { var n = null == t ? bn($t)[0] : t, o = bn(an, n)[0]; if (!(null == o || a || bn(on, o).length < 2)) { var r = bn(rn, o)[0], i = null; if (null == (i = "left" === e ? an(r, on) : tn(r, on))) { if (!e.loophorizontal) return; var l = fn(r); i = "left" === e ? l[l.length - 1] : l[0] } a = !h.test.istesting, ot(o, i, e) } } function he() { for (var e = bn(rn), t = 0; t < e.length; t++) lt(e[t], "internal") } function ie(e, t, n) { if (null != e) { var o, r, i, l, a, s, c, u, f, d = { element: e, callback: t, ismovementup: n, dtop: (r = (o = e).offsetheight, i = o.offsettop, a = q < (l = i), s = l - a + r, c = e.bigsectionsdestination, a < r ? (a || c) && "bottom" !== c || (l = s) : (a || g && null == on(o)) && (l = s), q = l), ymovement: ft(e), anchorlink: e.getattribute("data-anchor"), sectionindex: cn(e, _t), activeslide: bn(rn, e)[0], activesection: bn($t)[0], leavingsection: cn(bn($t), _t) + 1, localisresizing: g }; if (!(d.activesection == e && !g || e.scrollbar && yn() === d.dtop && !yn(e, gt))) { if (null != d.activeslide && (u = d.activeslide.getattribute("data-anchor"), f = cn(d.activeslide)), !d.localisresizing) { var v = d.ymovement; if (void 0 !== n && (v = n ? "up" : "down"), d.direction = v, xn(e.onleave) && !1 === re("onleave", d)) return } e.autoscrolling && e.continuousvertical && void 0 !== d.ismovementup && (!d.ismovementup && "up" == d.ymovement || d.ismovementup && "down" == d.ymovement) && ((p = d).ismovementup ? wn(bn($t)[0], gn(p.activesection, _t)) : vn(bn($t)[0], jn(p.activesection, _t).reverse()), xt(bn($t)[0].offsettop), he(), p.wraparoundelements = p.activesection, p.dtop = p.element.offsettop, p.ymovement = ft(p.element), d = p), d.localisresizing || xe(d.activesection), e.scrolloverflow && e.scrolloverflowhandler.beforeleave(), in(e, ft), rn(fn(e), ft), we(e), e.scrolloverflow && e.scrolloverflowhandler.onleave(), t = h.test.istesting, st(f, u, d.anchorlink, d.sectionindex), function(e) { if (e.css3 && e.autoscrolling && !e.scrollbar) { var t = "translate3d(0px, -" + math.round(e.dtop) + "px, 0px)"; pt(t, !0), e.scrollingspeed ? (cleartimeout(w), w = settimeout(function() { pe(e) }, e.scrollingspeed)) : pe(e) } else { var n = je(e.dtop); h.test.top = -e.dtop + "px", mt(n.element, n.options, e.scrollingspeed, function() { e.scrollbar ? settimeout(function() { pe(e) }, 30) : pe(e) }) } }(d), x = d.anchorlink, ut(d.anchorlink, d.sectionindex) } } var p } function re(e, t) { var n, o, r, i, l = (o = e, r = t, (i = e.v2compatible ? { afterrender: function() { return [d] }, onleave: function() { return [r.activesection, r.leavingsection, r.sectionindex + 1, r.direction] }, afterload: function() { return [r.element, r.anchorlink, r.sectionindex + 1] }, afterslideload: function() { return [r.destiny, r.anchorlink, r.sectionindex + 1, r.slideanchor, r.slideindex] }, onslideleave: function() { return [r.prevslide, r.anchorlink, r.sectionindex + 1, r.prevslideindex, r.direction, r.slideindex] } } : { afterrender: function() { return { section: ne(bn($t)[0]), slide: ze(bn(rn, bn($t)[0])[0]) } }, onleave: function() { return { origin: ne(r.activesection), destination: ne(r.element), direction: r.direction } }, afterload: function() { return i.onleave() }, afterslideload: function() { return { section: ne(r.section), origin: ze(r.prevslide), destination: ze(r.destiny), direction: r.direction } }, onslideleave: function() { return i.afterslideload() } })[o]()); if (e.v2compatible) { if (!1 === e[e].apply(l[0], l.slice(1))) return !1 } else if (kn(d, e, l), !1 === e[e].apply(l[object.keys(l)[0]], (n = l, object.keys(n).map(function(e) { return n[e] })))) return !1; return !0 } function ne(e) { return e ? new ht(e) : null } function ze(e) { return e ? new it(e) : null } function je(e) { var t = {}; return e.autoscrolling && !e.scrollbar ? (t.options = -e, t.element = bn(jt)[0]) : (t.options = e, t.element = rt), t } function pe(e) { var t; null != (t = e).wraparoundelements && (t.ismovementup ? wn(bn(_t)[0], t.wraparoundelements) : vn(bn(_t)[bn(_t).length - 1], t.wraparoundelements), xt(bn($t)[0].offsettop), he()), xn(e.afterload) && !e.localisresizing && re("afterload", e), e.scrolloverflow && e.scrolloverflowhandler.afterload(), e.localisresizing || fe(e.element), in(e.element, xt), rn(fn(e.element), xt), ve(), t = !0, xn(e.callback) && e.callback() } function de(e, t) { e.setattribute(t, e.getattribute("data-" + t)), e.removeattribute("data-" + t) } function ve() { var e = bn(".fp-auto-height")[0] || ve() && bn(".fp-auto-height-responsive")[0]; e.lazyloading && e && bn(_t + ":not(" + ut + ")").foreach(function(e) { var t, n, o; t = e.getboundingclientrect(), n = t.top, o = t.bottom, (n + 2 < a && 0 < n || 2 < o && o < a) && we(e) }) } function we(o) { e.lazyloading && bn("img[data-src], img[data-srcset], source[data-src], source[data-srcset], video[data-src], audio[data-src], iframe[data-src]", ke(o)).foreach(function(n) { if (["src", "srcset"].foreach(function(e) { var t = n.getattribute("data-" + e); null != t && t && (de(n, e), n.addeventlistener("load", function() { ye(o) })) }), _n(n, "source")) { var e = dn(n, "video, audio"); e && (e.load(), e.onloadeddata = function() { ye(o) }) } }) } function ye(e) { e.scrolloverflow && (cleartimeout(j), j = settimeout(function() { m.createscrollbar(e) }, 200)) } function fe(e) { var t = ke(e); bn("video, audio", t).foreach(function(e) { e.hasattribute("data-autoplay") && "function" == typeof e.play && e.play() }), bn('iframe[src*="youtube.com/embed/"]', t).foreach(function(e) { e.hasattribute("data-autoplay") && ue(e), e.onload = function() { e.hasattribute("data-autoplay") && ue(e) } }) } function ue(e) { e.contentwindow.postmessage('{"event":"command","func":"playvideo","args":""}', "*") } function xe(e) { var t = ke(e); bn("video, audio", t).foreach(function(e) { e.hasattribute("data-keepplaying") || "function" != typeof e.pause || e.pause() }), bn('iframe[src*="youtube.com/embed/"]', t).foreach(function(e) { /youtube\.com\/embed\//.test(e.getattribute("src")) && !e.hasattribute("data-keepplaying") && e.contentwindow.postmessage('{"event":"command","func":"pausevideo","args":""}', "*") }) } function ke(e) { var t = bn(rn, e); return t.length && (e = t[0]), e } function _e() { var e = qe(), t = e.section, n = e.slide; t && (e.animateanchor ? gt(t, n) : se(t, n)) } function $e() { if (!y && !e.lockanchors) { var e = qe(), t = e.section, n = e.slide, o = void 0 === x, r = void 0 === x && void 0 === n && !a; t && t.length && (t && t !== x && !o || r || !a && i != n) && gt(t, n) } } function qe() { var e, t, n = rt.location.hash; if (n.length) { var o = n.replace("#", "").split("/"), r = -1 < n.indexof("#/"); e = r ? "/" + o[1] : decodeuricomponent(o[0]); var i = r ? o[2] : o[1]; i && i.length && (t = decodeuricomponent(i)) } return { section: e, slide: t } } function qe(e) { cleartimeout(m); var t = nt.activeelement, n = e.keycode; 9 === n ? function(e) { var t, n, o, r, i, l, a, s = e.shiftkey, c = nt.activeelement, u = et(ke(bn($t)[0])); function f(e) { return un(e), u[0] ? u[0].focus() : null }(t = e, n = et(nt), o = n.indexof(nt.activeelement), r = t.shiftkey ? o - 1 : o + 1, i = n[r], l = ze(dn(i, on)), a = ne(dn(i, _t)), l || a) && (c ? null == dn(c, $t + "," + $t + " " + rn) && (c = f(e)) : f(e), (!s && c == u[u.length - 1] || s && c == u[0]) && un(e)) }(e) : _n(t, "textarea") || _n(t, "input") || _n(t, "select") || "true" === t.getattribute("contenteditable") || "" === t.getattribute("contenteditable") || !e.keyboardscrolling || !e.autoscrolling || (-1 < [40, 38, 32, 33, 34].indexof(n) && un(e), c = e.ctrlkey, m = settimeout(function() { ! function(e) { var t = e.shiftkey, n = nt.activeelement, o = _n(n, "video") || _n(n, "audio"); if (t || !([37, 39].indexof(e.keycode) < 0)) switch (e.keycode) { case 38: case 33: p.k.up && le(); break; case 32: if (t && p.k.up && !o) { le(); break } case 40: case 34: p.k.down && (32 === e.keycode && o || ae()); break; case 36: p.k.up && ce(1); break; case 35: p.k.down && ce(bn(_t).length); break; case 37: p.k.left && fe(); break; case 39: p.k.right && ue() } }(e) }, 150)) } function ge(e) { t && (c = e.ctrlkey) } function je(e) { 2 == e.which && (q = e.pagey, d.addeventlistener("mousemove", nt)) } function ze(e) { 2 == e.which && d.removeeventlistener("mousemove", nt) } function et(e) { return [].slice.call(bn(i, e)).filter(function(e) { return "-1" !== e.getattribute("tabindex") && null !== e.offsetparent }) } function tt() { c = t = !1 } function nt(e) { e.autoscrolling && (t && (e.pagey < q && p.m.up ? le() : e.pagey > q && p.m.down && ae()), q = e.pagey) } function ot(e, t, n) { var o, r, i = dn(e, _t), l = { slides: e, destiny: t, direction: n, destinypos: { left: t.offsetleft }, slideindex: cn(t), section: i, sectionindex: cn(i, _t), anchorlink: i.getattribute("data-anchor"), slidesnav: bn(dn, i)[0], slideanchor: wt(t), prevslide: bn(rn, i)[0], prevslideindex: cn(bn(rn, i)[0]), localisresizing: g }; l.xmovement = (o = l.prevslideindex, r = l.slideindex, o == r ? "none" : r < o ? "left" : "right"), l.direction = l.direction ? l.direction : l.xmovement, l.localisresizing || (t = !1), e.onslideleave && !l.localisresizing && "none" !== l.xmovement && xn(e.onslideleave) && !1 === re("onslideleave", l) ? a = !1 : (in(t, ft), rn(fn(t), ft), l.localisresizing || (xe(l.prevslide), we(t)), !e.loophorizontal && e.controlarrows && ($n(bn(gn, i), 0 !== l.slideindex), $n(bn(mn, i), null != on(t))), yn(i, ft) && !l.localisresizing && st(l.slideindex, l.slideanchor, l.anchorlink, l.sectionindex), function(e, t, n) { var o = t.destinypos; if (e.css3) { var r = "translate3d(-" + math.round(o.left) + "px, 0px, 0px)"; h.test.translate3dh[t.sectionindex] = r, xn(st(bn(cn, e)), at(r)), y = settimeout(function() { n && rt(t) }, e.scrollingspeed) } else h.test.left[t.sectionindex] = math.round(o.left), mt(e, math.round(o.left), e.scrollingspeed, function() { n && rt(t) }) }(e, l, !0)) } function rt(e) { var t, n; t = e.slidesnav, n = e.slideindex, e.slidesnavigation && null != t && (rn(bn(ut, t), ft), in(bn("a", bn("li", t)[n]), ft)), e.localisresizing || (xn(e.afterslideload) && re("afterslideload", e), t = !0, fe(e.destiny)), a = !1 } function it() { cleartimeout(s), s = settimeout(function() { for (var e = 0; e < 4; e++) b = settimeout(lt, 200 * e) }, 200) } function lt() { if (at(), o) { var e = nt.activeelement; if (!_n(e, "textarea") && !_n(e, "input") && !_n(e, "select")) { var t = en(); math.abs(t - g) > 20 * math.max(g, t) / 100 && (de(!0), g = t) } } else se() } function at() { var e = e.responsive || e.responsivewidth, t = e.responsiveheight, n = e && rt.innerwidth < e, o = t && rt.innerheight < t; e && t ? pe(n || o) : e ? pe(n) : t && pe(o) } function st(e) { var t = "all " + e.scrollingspeed + "ms " + e.easingcss3; return rn(e, dt), xn(e, { "-webkit-transition": t, transition: t }) } function ct(e) { return in(e, dt) } function ut(e, t) { var n, o, r; n = e, bn(e.menu).foreach(function(e) { e.menu && null != e && (rn(bn(ut, e), ft), in(bn('[data-menuanchor="' + n + '"]', e), ft)) }), o = e, r = t, e.navigation && null != bn(en)[0] && (rn(bn(ut, bn(en)[0]), ft), in(o ? bn('a[href="#' + o + '"]', bn(en)[0]) : bn("a", bn("li", bn(en)[0])[r]), ft)) } function ft(e) { var t = cn(bn($t)[0], _t), n = cn(e, _t); return t == n ? "none" : n < t ? "up" : "down" } function dt(e) { if (!yn(e, un)) { var t = nt.createelement("div"); t.classname = qt, t.style.height = vt(e) + "px", in(e, un), jn(e, t) } } function vt(e) { var t = a; if (e.paddingtop || e.paddingbottom) { var n = e; yn(n, kt) || (n = dn(e, _t)); var o = parseint(getcomputedstyle(n)["padding-top"]) + parseint(getcomputedstyle(n)["padding-bottom"]); t = a - o } return t } function pt(e, t) { t ? st(d) : ct(d), xn(d, at(e)), h.test.translate3d = e, settimeout(function() { rn(d, dt) }, 10) } function ht(e) { var t = bn(_t + '[data-anchor="' + e + '"]', d)[0]; if (!t) { var n = void 0 !== e ? e - 1 : 0; t = bn(_t)[n] } return t } function gt(e, t) { var n = ht(e); if (null != n) { var o, r, i, l = (null == (i = bn(on + '[data-anchor="' + (o = t) + '"]', r = n)[0]) && (o = void 0 !== o ? o : 0, i = bn(on, r)[o]), i); wt(n) === x || yn(n, ft) ? mt(l) : ie(n, function() { mt(l) }) } } function mt(e) { null != e && ot(dn(e, an), e) } function st(e, t, n, o) { var r = ""; e.anchors.length && !e.lockanchors && (e ? (null != n && (r = n), null == t && (t = e), bt(r + "/" + (i = t))) : (null != e && (i = t), bt(n))), yt() } function bt(e) { if (e.recordhistory) location.hash = e; else if (o || l) rt.history.replacestate(void 0, void 0, "#" + e); else { var t = rt.location.href.split("#")[0]; rt.location.replace(t + "#" + e) } } function wt(e) { if (!e) return null; var t = e.getattribute("data-anchor"), n = cn(e); return null == t && (t = n), t } function yt() { var e = bn($t)[0], t = bn(rn, e)[0], n = wt(e), o = wt(t), r = string(n); t && (r = r + "-" + o), r = r.replace("/", "-").replace("#", ""); var i = new regexp("\\b\\s?" + yt + "-[^\\s]+\\b", "g"); l.classname = l.classname.replace(i, ""), in(l, yt + "-" + r) } function et(e) { var t = []; return t.y = void 0 !== e.pagey && (e.pagey || e.pagex) ? e.pagey : e.touches[0].pagey, t.x = void 0 !== e.pagex && (e.pagey || e.pagex) ? e.pagex : e.touches[0].pagex, l && ke(e) && e.scrollbar && void 0 !== e.touches && (t.y = e.touches[0].pagey, t.x = e.touches[0].pagex), t } function lt(e, t) { ee(0, "internal"), void 0 !== t && (g = !0), ot(dn(e, an), e), void 0 !== t && (g = !1), ee(p.scrollingspeed, "internal") } function xt(e) { var t = math.round(e); if (e.css3 && e.autoscrolling && !e.scrollbar) pt("translate3d(0px, -" + t + "px, 0px)", !1); else if (e.autoscrolling && !e.scrollbar) xn(d, { top: -t + "px" }), h.test.top = -t + "px"; else { var n = je(t); ct(n.element, n.options) } } function at(e) { return { "-webkit-transform": e, "-moz-transform": e, "-ms-transform": e, transform: e } } function tt(t, e, n) { "all" !== e ? p[n][e] = t : object.keys(p[n]).foreach(function(e) { p[n][e] = t }) } function kt(e, t, n) { e[e] = t, "internal" !== n && (p[e] = t) } function ot() { var e = e.licensekey, t = "font-size: 15px;background:yellow;"; n ? e && e.length < 20 && (console.warn("%c this website was made using fullpage.js slider. more info on the following website:", t), console.warn("%c https://alvarotrigo.com/fullpage/", t)) : (sn("error", "fullpage.js version 3 has changed its license to gplv3 and it requires a `licensekey` option. read about it here:"), sn("error", "")), yn(u, wt) ? sn("error", "fullpage.js can only be initialized once and you are doing it multiple times!") : (e.continuousvertical && (e.looptop || e.loopbottom) && (e.continuousvertical = !1, sn("warn", "option `looptop/loopbottom` is mutually exclusive with `continuousvertical`; `continuousvertical` disabled")), !e.scrolloverflow || !e.scrollbar && e.autoscrolling || sn("warn", "options scrollbar:true and autoscrolling:false are mutually exclusive with scrolloverflow:true. sections with scrolloverflow might not work well in firefox"), !e.continuousvertical || !e.scrollbar && e.autoscrolling || (e.continuousvertical = !1, sn("warn", "scroll bars (`scrollbar:true` or `autoscrolling:false`) are mutually exclusive with `continuousvertical`; `continuousvertical` disabled")), e.scrolloverflow && null == e.scrolloverflowhandler && (e.scrolloverflow = !1, sn("error", "the option `scrolloverflow:true` requires the file `scrolloverflow.min.js`. please include it before fullpage.js.")), w.foreach(function(e) { e[e] && sn("warn", "fullpage.js extensions require fullpage.extensions.min.js file instead of the usual fullpage.js. requested: " + e) }), e.anchors.foreach(function(t) { var e = [].slice.call(bn("[name]")).filter(function(e) { return e.getattribute("name") && e.getattribute("name").tolowercase() == t.tolowercase() }), n = [].slice.call(bn("[id]")).filter(function(e) { return e.getattribute("id") && e.getattribute("id").tolowercase() == t.tolowercase() }); if (n.length || e.length) { sn("error", "data-anchor tags can not have the same value as any `id` element on the site (or `name` element for ie)."); var o = n.length ? "id" : "name"; (n.length || e.length) && sn("error", '"' + t + '" is is being used by another element `' + o + "` property") } })) } function mt(t, n, o, r) { var e, i = (e = t).self != rt && yn(e, ln) ? e.scrollleft : !e.autoscrolling || e.scrollbar ? yn() : e.offsettop, l = n - i, a = 0; z = !0; var s = function() { if (z) { var e = n; a += 20, o && (e = rt.fp_easings[e.easing](a, i, l, o)), ct(t, e), a < o ? settimeout(s, 20) : void 0 !== r && r() } else a < o && r() }; s() } function ct(e, t) { !e.autoscrolling || e.scrollbar || e.self != rt && yn(e, ln) ? e.self != rt && yn(e, ln) ? e.scrollleft = t : e.scrollto(0, t) : e.style.top = t + "px" } function bt(e, t) { this.anchor = e.getattribute("data-anchor"), this.item = e, this.index = cn(e, t), this.islast = this.index === e.parentelement.queryselectorall(t).length - 1, this.isfirst = !this.index } function ht(e) { bt.call(this, e, _t) } function it(e) { bt.call(this, e, on) } ot() } }), window.jquery && window.fullpage && function(t, n) { "use strict"; t && n ? t.fn.fullpage = function(e) { e = t.extend({}, e, { $: t }), new n(this[0], e) } : window.fp_utils.showerror("error", "jquery is required to use the jquery fullpage adapter!") }(window.jquery, window.fullpage); //# sourcemappingurl=fullpage.min.js.map